Let me tell you a secret…



Let me tell you about the

Egyptian Tantric Secrets

What is Egyptian Tantra?

Few are aware there was once an Egyptian form of Tantra.
Ancient and forgotten by almost everyone, it carries
keys that unlock powerful energy pathways in your body.
Once opened they will awaken you – solo or with a partner –
into ecstasy, bliss and divine union.


audio journeys

Using breath practices we can elevate energy from lower energy centers in to higher ones, shift from left brain logic into whole brain unity, and ‘open the ways’ to higher connection.

Explore our

online courses

Join us for an initiation like no other – into the Egyptian Tantric Mysteries. Lost over time, Egyptian Tantra is now being reclaimed and is for everyone that is ready to go deeper into life and love.

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Receive an initiation tailored to your needs and challenges. Discover how the Egyptian practices can up-level your daily life, your love life and your connection to all you believe in.

What are the benefits of Egyptian Tantra?

  • Activate more energy 
  • Release depression and disconnection
  • Connect more deeply to yourself and others
  • Expand into higher states of consciousness
  • Heal and release blockages
  • Experience bliss
  • Uncover next-level lovemaking 
  • Experience more love in your life
  • Discover your calling – what you are here to do

The Science of Egyptian Tantra

brainwave states

Egyptian Breathwork comes in many forms – there are breath techniques that activate energy and raise the heart rate, and others that invite a relaxation response in the body.

As you deepen into these experiences you shift from normal waking state consciousness into expanded states – alpha, theta and even gamma brainwave states. Let’s look at these states to understand them more fully.

and the chemical cocktail

Tantric lovemaking releases the same chemicals regular lovemaking does, but because tantric lovemaking extends the time these chemicals are at play, it creates far more powerful experiences, with more lasting benefits.

A multitude of chemicals are released, including oxytocin (the love drug), and endorphins (the pleasure chemical). Let’s take a look at your inner chemistry set to understand what’s happening inside when you explore tantra…

Ancient Breathwork

Breath is one of the most effective tools that can help us to shift consciousness and start experiencing life more deeply. Join us to learn these simple, powerful and ancient tools. 

Movement Techniques

Movement and postures detox the body and align it with higher states. Similar to yoga, chi kung or tai chi, we discover Egyptian movement medicine as a secret key to a deeply lived life.   


We teach you techniques to begin deepening this superpower. Visualisation super-charges all practices, invites more energy to flow, and enables you to dream your ideal life into being.

What can Ankh Breathwork do for you?

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free channelled message from Mary Magdalene

One eventful day around Jan 1st, 2020, the message came to capture this message from Mary Magdelene so it could be shared with the world. It was captured near the end of the 9 days of downloads for the book ‘Egyptian Tantric Secrets’.

Sign up for our e-mail list and receive a loving 15 minute taste of Magdalena’s heart wisdom transmission.

My Crazy Electrocution Story...

I’ve been a spiritual teacher for 16 years now, since I was 30. I started offering Ecstatic Trance Dance, then moved into Breathwork, and then 12 years ago I did a deep dive into Tantra. I love guiding people into expanded states of consciousness!

4 years ago I had a  near-death experience – I got electrocuted. Not a little momentary electric zap, but 2 or 3 minutes of 240 volts running through my entire body. As a result of this near-death experience, all of my teachings transformed in a way that I could not ever have imagined. It’s a pretty wild tale to be honest – to read the whole story, click below…

Chanting and Sound

Chanting Ancient Egyptian carries you into expanded states to receive healing, connect to higher consciousness, and reset the nervous system.

Sexual Energy

In Egyptian Tantra we blend energy mastery with love-making to bring about deep healing, and help you elevate into next-level transcendental experiences.


Learn stillness and movement meditation practices to relax and rejuvenate, touch super consciousness and experience euphoria.

Read the book

“Egyptian  Tantric Secrets”



This book is an initiatory journey that shares once secret practices. Guided by Isis, Egyptian goddess of healing and magic, it leads you back to your tantric birth right – gifting the keys all humans are meant to receive as part of their spiritual transformation.

Receive of them,

breathe into them,

and get ready to rise…

Margot Anand, million copy best-selling

author of ‘The Art of Sexual Ecstasy’ says:

“Egyptian Tantric Secrets is a wonderful read. It is original and deeply alive.

The reader feels he/she is guided by Isis herself.

It’s a must for lovers of tantric initiation.” 


Ma Ananda Sarita, world renowned tantra teacher and author of ‘Divine Sexuality’ and ‘Tantra Alchemy’:

“This book was born as a channeled gift, transcending time and space,

and speaking directly to the heart and soul of all beings.

Practice the techniques outlined within its pages

and discover timeless truth.”



Kiya is a pure channel. With him I have remembered past lives, been initiated and activated on so many levels. Kiya also helped me deeply uproot feelings of shame and guilt, to help catapult my spiritual progress. I have experienced phenomenal breakthroughs… it’s life changing!”

– Maria, Egyptian Doctor

“I’ve been working with Kiya to help shift sexual trauma, bring me back into my body and to help me experience orgasmic states. I’ve really connected to these ancient breathwork practices, which have literally transformed my life in so many ways. I really believe in the medicine Kiya’s bringing to so many people in the world.

– Isla-Rose, Cacao Healer and Teacher

Kiya has a way of taking me home, deeper into my heart and expanding with the beloved… expanding my mind & energy body to open up and receive more love

– Larissa Smith, Tantra and Embodiment Teacher

Any questions?