Welcome to the Ankh Healing Temple

This is an initiatory journey deep into the heart of Ankh Healing, as used in Egypt thousands of years ago. Like Reiki, this is a powerful energy healing modality which helps connect you to source energy. It’s a beautiful, rich way to connect deeper with yourself and it will take you on a deep healing journey. We encourage you to give your full focus to this training to get maximum benefit from it.

The 2 Levels of Training

Our training is split into two weekends. Throughout Level 1 we are focused on self-healing, and you will learn how to work with this modality by creating a deep healing space for yourself, which I will guide you into.

At Level 2 you will be invited to offer a healing session to a friend. Everything will be guided step-by-step, so just follow along. If you reach Level 2 and you do not yet feel ready to invite anyone for a session, you could continue to receive the healing guidance just for yourself. You can always revisit Level 2 at a future point if you feel called to offer healing sessions to others.

How to Navigate This Online Course


PLEASE NOTE: This training was originally offered over 2 weekends, making 4 days of training in total. There are 2 recommended ways to work your way through this content. See which one feels best for you, based on your time, availability, and your preferred way of learning from – and healing through – this content.

Each weekend is split into a Day 1 featuring 2 classes, and a Day 2 featuring 2 classes.

Option 1: The Fast Track Approach

When we offer this training live, each day is composed of 2 parts, each part running 1.5 – 2 hours. If you wish to follow us on the journey in the same time frame we originally learnt, you could sit and follow through 2 classes each day. There is a pause between the 2 classes.

If you do this be sure to set aside a minimum of 4 hours. NOTE: you may also need some integration time after the healing sessions, so don’t book anything immediately after our time together.This is option 1: the fast track.

Option 2: The Step-by-Step Approach – we realize that for others you might prefer to do 1 initiation at a time, then allow those teachings to integrate before moving onto the next class. So you could do just 1 class at a time. Again, allow a clear window of up to 2 hours for the class, and ideally some integration time afterwards.

PLEASE NOTE: each Level has 4 classes in total, and they will always be laid out as follows for each day of training:

Level 1 – Day 1 – Initiation 1
Level 1 – Day 1 – Initiation 2

Don’t skip ahead, as each initiation is sequential.

View each initiation in a single sitting

(& ideally without interruptions)

This will ensure the maximum potency from each part of the training. Give it your full attention – don’t scroll social media or field phone calls at the same time! You will not receive the full benefit from the training if you do this, and yes, we know how tempting it can be. Treat it like you are in an important meeting that requires your total concentration, because it does!

Let any friends or family members in your house know you should not be interrupted. Ideally you will not be interrupted during the course of each initiation / class, most especially for the meditations and practices that carry you progressively deeper.

Prepare for a Powerful Healing Journey

As you go deeper on this journey, you will immerse into a powerful healing process, uncovering and releasing any blockages that might hold you back from living a more connected and expansive life. You will learn how to connect to Goddess Isis and our Neteru team – the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. This course guides you through a combination of breathwork, meditation, visualization, and energy healing techniques.


Integration Between Sessions

These healings can be extremely powerful. As a result we recommend to not book anything for just after any of the initiations. Give yourself integration time afterwards, and eat some food to help you ground, and drink plenty of water to support the detox process that naturally occurs when you experience a deep healing.

In between your viewing of the classes, we recommend you practice what you have learnt, so you are progressively deepening into the Ankh Healing practices.

The Ankh Healing Book

The Ankh Healing Online Training is a fully self-contained training from start to finish. However, the Ankh Healing book is a supportive resource, as well as offering more detailed understanding of certain topics and areas.

Since a lot of the information is channeled from Goddess Isis, the book can feel like a download/energy transmission in its own right. It also has further recommendations for practice, so it is a nice compliment to the online training, but it is not required reading.


Ankh Healing Audios

At the end of each Level we offer you guided audios to support your self-healing (Level 1), and to support you guiding others on their healing journey (Level 2). There are 2 different versions of these guided audios, featuring different music. See which one you prefer and work with that one whenever you wish to connect with the Ankh Healing frequencies.


Level 2: Offering Sessions

During Level 2 you will be invited to find a friend who is open and interested to receive a healing session from you. The ideal person is someone interested in spiritual subjects, one who resonates with topics like energy work. We do not recommend practicing on skeptical people as you are beginning, it’s far better to find someone open and curious to try.

Additional Support

(including extra healing support)

If there is any point during your Ankh Healing journey that you need to ask a question or require additional healing support, please reach out to us. This is an online course, but know you are not alone, we are here to support you where we can.

If you have a lot of content arising and it feels overwhelming, you are welcome to reach out to us and we can connect you to our healing team. For full healing sessions there will be an additional fee for the healer’s time. General guidance and advice is free. Contact us via WhatsApp +44 7446 338353.


Enjoy Your Journey into Ankh Healing

We hope you enjoy your journey deep into Ankh Healing.

May it serve you well, and may its healing benefits support your growth and transformation.

May that transformation in turn touch and inspire all those you meet.

With love,

Kiya, Goddess Isis
and the Neteru Gods and Goddesses

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  1. Ankh Healing Level 1: Day 1
  2. Ankh Healing Level 1: Day 2
  3. Ankh Healing Level 2: Day 1
  4. Ankh Healing Level 2: Day 2